Summer Art Camp

“All Aboard!” Art Camp

Old Wortendyke Station

211 Greenwood Ave., Midland Park, NJ 07432

AGES 7-13
WEEK 1: July 13th-17th WEEK 2: July 20th-24th

*FULL-DAY: Arts & Crafts & Fine Arts

Time: 9:00am-3:00pm Cost: $450

MORNING ONLY: Arts & Crafts

Time: 9:00am-11:30am Cost: $225


Time: 1:00pm-3:00pm Cost: $180


Lunch break 11:45am-12:45pm. Bring bagged lunch/drink or buy lunch at the Hotdog Caboose for $5.50. Lunch cost includes: hot dog or chicken fingers, fries & drink. Complimentary snacks and water available throughout the day.

LUNCH “ADD-ON”: Your child may stay for lunch after the Morning Session until 12:45am or be dropped off for lunch at 11:45am before the Afternoon Session. Additional Cost: $50 per week. NOTE: Extra cost does NOT include Hotdog Caboose lunch. Bring a bagged lunch or $5.50/day to buy.

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